One question we often get asked, “how much do apprentices get paid?”
Our Recruitment Team knows that apprentices across a variety of industries are currently in high demand Australia wide. However, the main questions our team is asked by jobseekers before applying for the job, “is how much do apprentices get paid” or “what’s the mature age apprentice wage”.
Before we start – who is an apprentice?
An apprentice is an individual that is trained in a skilled trade for example electrical, plumbing, cabinet making and upon the successful completion of the apprenticeship become a qualified tradesperson. An apprenticeship usually takes up to 4 years to complete if studying full time and uses a combination of structured training and work.
How are apprentice rates calculated?
An apprentice’s hourly rate of pay is based off the award rate and these rates will vary based on the type of apprenticeship that they may be completing as well as the age of the apprentice.
An important point to remember when starting an apprenticeship is that your rate of pay will increase during your apprenticeship period. Apprentices receive wage increase based on their progression through the apprenticeship. Progressions generally occurs in two different ways, either through a time-based progression, where the apprentice moves up to the next pay level after they’ve worked a certain amount of time for example, 12 months or through a competency-based progression where the apprentice moves to the next pay level, when they’ve achieved a set amount of the total skills or training requirements of the apprenticeship, which might be earlier than 12 months.
All full time and part time apprentices will all receive annual leave and sick leave entitlements. The annual leave entitlements for full time apprentices are 4 weeks per year and sick leave entitlements are 10 days for year. Part time apprentices have their entitlements calculated on a pro rata basis.
How to check apprentice rates of pay?
Prior to commencing your apprenticeship, it is important to be aware of your hourly rate of pay. This important information can be found on the Fair Work website where you are able to have access to the PACT calculator, which will help you establish what your hourly rate and weekly pay packet will be. The PACT calculator can be found at https://calculate.fairwork.gov.au/CheckPay/Summary .
The PACT calculator is a good tool to find out the correct rates for apprentices and adult apprentice wages.
Accepting an apprenticeship with Golden West Apprenticeships
Accepting an apprenticeship with Golden West Apprenticeships, ensures that we are responsible for processing and paying your superannuation entitlements each month, processing and the payment of your wages each week to your nominated bank account, upon the submission and approval of your timesheet. It will also give the apprentice access to a Training and Employment Consultant who will help you complete your apprenticeship through guidance and support.
Golden West Apprenticeships prides itself on employing a team of experts who all have significant industrial relations and award knowledge, this will guarantee that every apprentice is paid the correct amount each and every time.
In conclusion, completing an apprenticeship with Golden West Apprenticeships will give you lifelong skills and create a solid foundation for your working life, while having the extra benefit of being paid while you learn. Even though the rate of pay may seem small now, in 4 years’ time it will surprise you how much your pay rate has changed for the better. Apply today at Home – Golden West Apprenticeships | apprenticeships and traineeships | employment and training to become an apprentice with Golden West Apprenticeships and you won’t regret it. For more information on Australian apprentices and the benefits of completing an apprenticeship contact fair work.